Transportation & Mobilty

Public Transit

Buses and shuttles are a cheap and environmentally friendly to get around Charlottesville. Low-income residents and people with disabilities are especially likely to rely on transit. Charlottesville should encourage residents to take advantage of our public transit system by increasing bus frequency and adding shelters to bus stops. We should also pursue state funding to make public transportation permanently free. Free buses would pay for themselves with money saved on road maintenance and parking garages.

Walking and Cycling

Almost half of Virginia’s carbon emissions come from transportation, so supporting walking and biking over driving should be part of Charlottesville’s climate strategy. But our government spends much more on car infrastructure than it does on pedestrians and bikers, as demonstrated in its recent Capital Improvement Plan budgets. And because the city prioritizes drivers over pedestrians and bikers, walking and biking can be dangerous. Charlottesville should treat walking and biking as a first-class concern and not an afterthought.





Downtown Parking Data

When was the last time the Water Street Garage was full? The City of Charlottesville monitors parking availability at the garages downtown but doesn’t store the data, so we’re storing it for them. Check out the parking utilization dashboard to see current and historical data for the Market St. and Water St. garages.